Участие в онлайн совещании в Китайской международной выставке торговли услугами 2020.

Более подробнее о мероприятии тут: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/aeJKhM4kBDi6oxSeufkC3Q




Программа мероприятия: - 8 сентября 2020 года

Innovative Integration of Global Procurement and Digital Trade Forum 



Morning Session 9:30-12:05

8:30   - 9:30  Sign in

9:30 - 9:32  Introduction to the   VIPs by the MC Mr. Zhangyi from China International Center for Economic and

Technical Exchanges, Ministry of   Commerce

Congratulatory   Speech

9:32   - 9:40

Mr. Valery Chichkanov

Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Economic

Development of the Russian Federation, Member of the President of

Russian Federation Special   Commission (video)

Mr. Antoly Karpov

Vice-chairman of the Committee of   State Russian Parliament (video)

Ms.Viktorya Nikolaeva

Member of State Duma - Parliament   of Russian Federation, Chairman of Government Council for Ecological   Production of Russia (video)

Mr. Sergey Kharkov

Member of President of Russian Federation Council for Law and Law

Enforcement   (video)

Mr. Kiyohiro Mitsui

Chief of the UN Procurement   Division (video)

Ms. Beate Trankmann

UNDP Resident Representative in   China (video)

9:40   - 9:45

Vice-mayor of Beijing Municipality   

9:45   - 9:50

Mr. Zhang Shaogang

Vice President of the China Council for the Promotion of

International   Trade

9:50   - 10:00

Ms.Valentina Ivanova

Rector of the Moscow State University of Technology and

Management, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-

Russian   Pedagogical” Assembly (video)


Date: September 8th , 2020

Time: 9:30 - 16:10

Scale: 200 People

Venue: Functional Room B (1st Floor) , China National Convention Center, No.7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang

District, Beijing, China